Please remember to take a moment and fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch form
Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th

Attention Parents:
One of the Mallard University buses is running late, so students will be dropped off later than normal tonight.

We hope you’ll join us for our Family Read-In on Thursday night from 5:00pm-6:30pm! 📚

NWA Foodbank will be at Monitor today (Tuesday) from 3:10-5:00pm! They are stocked and ready to serve our Monitor families!!
Bring ID of any kind and we will take it from there! #thankyouNWAfoodbank❤️🦆

Picture Day Monday!!! Please send money for the package you want!

Springdale Public Schools is hiring bus drivers! We’re so thankful for our bus drivers and all they do for our kids. Call the number below if you’re interested in joining the team! 🍎

If your child rides bus route 23, please look for a note that came home from school today. New times for this bus route start on Monday!

Happy Birthday Officier Aini 🎂🎉❤️

PACT (Parent And Child Together) Time started this morning! Parents in our family literacy class attended class with their child and were able to learn alongside them. If you are interested in joining our family literacy program, please contact the school office for more information. 🍎

Our book fair is this week! Students are able to shop during school hours and can also shop tonight during conferences. We hope you’ll come see all of the great books we have! 📚

Our family literacy program has started, and we would love for you to join us! Classes are offered Monday-Thursday from 8am-11am, and free childcare is provided. Please contact the office if you have any questions or stop by and meet our family literacy teacher tomorrow night during conferences. 🦆

Our Kindergarten classes have “taken over the garden” this has provided for many educational experiences for our students. This week they enjoyed the outdoor classroom and learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly. They are having so much fun with hands on learning! #wherewillyourwingstakeyou❤️🦆

If you haven’t already, please return lunch forms. If you need another form, feel free to contact the office or log onto SchoolCafé.com. If you are unsure if you have been approved or have a lunch balance please contact our cafeteria staff. Thank you for your cooperation! ❤️🦆

We ❤️ our First Responders! Officier Aini received lots of love today! Remembering Patriot Day ❤️🇺🇸👨🏽🚒👮🏽♀️

September Spirit Assembly!

School supply lists can be downloaded at http://springdalear.apptegy.us/o/springdale-public-schools/page/school-supplies--29