Each year, the United States observes National Hispanic Heritage Month. But, how long has the U.S. been doing this? Was it always a month? Don't know? Don't worry This is Springdale has you covered! https://www.smore.com/f5nqb-this-is-springdale
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Free school meals are still available on the All Virtual Days, Friday and Monday, October 16 and 19. Order your meals by 9am October 16 at http://go.sdale.org/food. Families may pick up their meals from any school. Serving families is why Springdale is #TheChoice!
over 4 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Take Out Meal Flier
It is October 5th, please apply for Free and Reduced Lunch. It is time to POWER UP!
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Please apply by October 5th at www.schoolcafe.com Por favor aplicar antes de el 5 de Octubre
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
On this weeks episode of Asi Es Springdale: We discuss the Flu Clinic Information, Ozark Guidance, Truity Check presentation and Economic Arkansas https://www.smore.com/4jtq8-this-is-springdale
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
There is so much more to Free and Reduced Lunch than Great Food! Hay mucho mas beneficios en aplicar para almuerzos gratis o reducidos que solo buena comida
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
It is so much more than a meal! Apply today at www.schoolcafe.com
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Springdale Parents and Patrons, Please see this message from Dr. Jared Cleveland, Superintendent about Remote Teacher and Learning Days on October 16 and 19 https://www.smore.com/2az8q-remote-teaching-learning-practice
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Have you filled yours out yet? It is time to POWER UP!
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Ozark Guidance is hosting a virtual (zoom) parent/guardian night with Arisa Health and Promoting Positive Emotions: Coping with COVID-19: Brain Basics to Help Your Child & Yourself on Tuesday, October 20th at 6:00pm. See flyer for more information.
over 4 years ago, Linda Childers Knapp Elementary
Ozark Guidance is hosting a virtual (zoom) parent/guardian night with Arisa Health and Promoting Positive Emotions: Coping with COVID-19: Brain Basics to Help Your Child & Yourself on Tuesday, October 20th at 6:00pm. See flyer for more information.
Ozark Guidance is hosting a virtual (zoom) parent/guardian night with Arisa Health and Promoting Positive Emotions: Coping with COVID-19: Brain Basics to Help Your Child & Yourself on Tuesday, October 20th at 6:00pm. See flyer for more information.
Parents please read this important flyer below to learn about free and reduced lunch. Please apply by October 5th. Padres, por favor lean este anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. Favor de aplicar para el 5 de Octubre.
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Knapp's Flu Clinic will be the morning of THURSDAY, October 15. Forms have been sent home and must be returned to receive the shot. If your child is a M-W-F blended student, you will need to bring them to school on that Thursday NO LATER THAN 9:30. Your child will be escorted to the clinic and taken to the front of the line for their vaccine, then returned to you. If you are unable to attend that day, Washington County Health Department will be holding a drive-thru clinic. La Clínica de Gripe de Knapp será la mañana del JUEVES, 15 de octubre. Los formularios se enviaron a casa y deben devolverse para recibir la vacuna. Si su hijo es un estudiante mixto de lunes a viernes, tendrá que traerlo a la escuela ese jueves NO MÁS TARDE DE las 9:30. Su hijo será escoltado a la clínica y llevado al frente de la fila para recibir la vacuna y luego se lo regresará a usted. Si no puede asistir ese día, el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Washington llevará a cabo una clínica de autoservicio.
over 4 years ago, Linda Childers Knapp Elementary
Our first orientation will be at Childers Knapp Elementary this Thursday, September 24th at 3:30! We will meet in the front of the school. Please wear your mask!😷
over 4 years ago, Linda Childers Knapp Elementary
Our first orientation will be at Childers Knapp Elementary this Thursday, September 24th at 3:30! We will meet in the front of the school. Please wear your mask!😷
Our first orientation will be at Childers Knapp Elementary this Thursday, September 24th at 3:30! We will meet in the front of the school. Please wear your mask!😷
Favor de llenar el formulario de almuerzos gratis y reducidos! Son más que solo almuerzos, también ayudan en apoyar a los programas de nuestro sistema escolar.
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Please fill out Free and Reduced Lunch forms! It is more than meals, it also helps important programs in the our school system
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
When you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch you also get FREE resources and opportunities! https://www.smore.com/h18vp-schoolcafe-com
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Padres, por favor lean el anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. ¡Es más que un almuerzo!
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Parents, please read the important announcement about free and reduced lunch. More than just a meal!
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Remember there is no school on Monday, September 7th. Recuerde que no hay clases el lunes 7 de septiembre.
over 4 years ago, Linda Childers Knapp Elementary
Remember there is no school on Monday, September 7th.   Recuerde que no hay clases el lunes 7 de septiembre.
What a GREAT first day of school we had!Let's keep it up! Proud of our Gators and our Community.
over 4 years ago, Linda Childers Knapp Elementary
Let’s stay safe!
Let’s stay safe!