Happy First Day of School Eve! We have new arrival and dismissal procedures this year. Car rider drop-off and pick-up will be in the back of the school. Thank you for your understanding and patience! Here are a few helpful tips!
- Do not block the entrance and exit to the parking lot at any time while in the line.
- There will only be 1 lane of traffic.
- We will load and unload 15 cars at a time. Stay in the line at all times.
- Car tags will be going home tomorrow. After tomorrow you must have your car tag to pick up your child. Please keep car tag posted on passenger side and visible to staff the entire time you're in line.
¡Feliz primer día de víspera de clases! Tenemos nuevos procedimientos de llegada y salida este año. La entrega y recogida de los pasajeros en automóvil será en la parte trasera de la escuela. ¡Gracias por su comprensión y paciencia! ¡Aquí hay algunos consejos útiles!
- No bloquee la entrada y salida del estacionamiento en ningún momento mientras esté en la fila.
- Solo habrá 1 carril de tráfico.
- Cargaremos y descargaremos 15 autos a la vez. Permanezca en la fila en todo momento.
- Las etiquetas del coche se irán a casa mañana. Después de mañana debe tener la etiqueta de su automóvil para recoger a su hijo. Mantenga la etiqueta del automóvil colocada en el lado del pasajero y visible para el personal durante todo el tiempo que esté en la fila.
We can't wait for school to start next week! This year will look different and we want to make sure you and your child are prepared! This link has helpful videos and links for back to school. Here are a few important reminders:
-Please remember that no parents will be allowed in the building.
-Car rider drop-off and pick-up will be in the back of the building. Do not block the entrance or exit to the parking lot.
¡No podemos esperar a que comience la escuela la próxima semana! ¡Este año se verá diferente y queremos asegurarnos de que usted y su hijo estén preparados! Este enlace tiene videos útiles y enlaces para el regreso a clases. A continuación, se incluyen algunos recordatorios importantes:
-Recuerde que no se permitirán padres en el edificio.
-La entrega y recogida de los pasajeros se realizarán en la parte trasera del edificio. No bloquee la entrada o salida del estacionamiento.
Free Childcare for Essential Workers while funds last. Please follow the prompts below. Taking care of our essential workers is another reason why Springdale Schools is #THEChoice
Community Clinic will be hosting a Vaccine Clinic THIS Friday, August 21 from 1:30 - 4:30 at the Wellness Center at Jones Elementary. All children - with or without insurance including private insurance and Medicaid are welcome to attend and appointments are not required.
We can't wait to see you for drive-thru open houses this week!
Kinder - Today from 1-3 PM
1st - Today from 4-5 PM
2nd - Thursday from 4-5 PM
3rd - Wednesday from 4-5 PM
4th - Tuesday from 4-5 PM
5th - Thursday from 5:30-6:30 PM
Free All Day and After School Childcare for Essential Workers while funds last. Please click the link below to learn more.
We are so excited to get back to school and see our gators! We will be having drive-thru open houses for each grade level behind the school on the following days:
Please join Kevin Conkin, Co-Director of Transportation, about Bus and Transportation Back to School information.
Topics include:
-Routes & Times
-Disinfecting Busses
-Expectations for Bus Riders
and more
As we work to make final decisions about the 2020-2021 school year, we would like to have input from our families. If you have comments, suggestions, or questions please use this form to submit. We will be sharing information and answering questions in the coming weeks.
Please join Dr. Tara Harshaw, Director of Special Education for Springdale regarding the 2020-2021 School Year for Special Education Families. In English, Spanish and Marshallese
We don’t have all of the answers yet. But we promise we will love your children and do everything we can to keep them safe and healthy. ❤️🐊
Here is school supply list for K-5th grade students!
We are so excited to see all of our students again! Please remember to fill out your survey before August 5th. The survey can be found at:
Below you will find a link to the survey if you are choosing between the five day on-site model, or one of the two blended models that the district is offering for this upcoming school year. This survey is for Childers Knapp students only. If you have a student that attends another Springdale school, their school will be releasing their own survey.
Reminder that CKE Gator mask orders are due by 7/26/20 at 11:59PM! We will not be able to place additional orders after the due date. Check out the link to order your Gator masks and help raise money for our school!
Dr. Jared Cleveland releases an update concerning Reopening School in August. Topics include face coverings, installation of hot water heaters, new updated academic calendar and much more.
Here is helpful information from UAMS to keep your family safe!
Happy summer!
Happy reading!
CKE Summer Virtual Library
For helpful information on Arkansas WIC Program please see the attached flyers.
Canopy NWA plans to offer a virtual summer program for ESL students throughout June and July. Each student will be matched with a mentor who will be trained in guiding activities designed to promote digital literacy skills and English language retention. The format will include weekly individualized and group Zoom meetings geared around student interests. In addition to literacy and computer skills, Canopy will offer case management support including connection to home WiFi and navigating food access options. For more information see the attached flyers!