SHS senior Carlos Gallegos is the first student to earn the Seal of Biliteracy in French at SHS! He previously earned the Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish last semester. He is also the first student to earn certification in two languages...AWESOME job Carlos!!! #SHShoutOut #THEChoice Carlos even completed the French exam remotely while we've been out of school (thanks to Madame Kemp for proctoring)!
over 4 years ago, SHS
Carlos Gallegos
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to the hardest working, dedicated, and caring group of educational professionals around...We appreciate all you do for our Bulldogs. Thank you, SHS Admin #SHShoutOut #THEChoice
over 4 years ago, SHS
Teacher Appreciation Week
THANK YOU for all you do for SHS and taking care of our students every day but especially during these unprecedented times. You have truly gone above the call of duty! SHS appreciates our Food Service employees You guys ROCK!!! #SHShoutOut #THEChoice
over 4 years ago, SHS
School Lunch Hero Day
ATTENTION SHS Seniors: Harp Elementary is hosting our annual Senior Walk this year as a "Virtual Senior Walk". If you were ever a student at Harp Elementary, we would love to celebrate with you! For more information, please contact Joey Head at We hope to see you there! Thanks!
over 4 years ago, SHS
Harp Hawks
Our AMI packets are available on the web at, or look for the AMI button on your schools' website. In addition to the required lessons, you'll find helpful resources for each grade level including videos and translations for grades K - 2. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued partnership and support. ------- Nuestros paquetes de AMI están disponibles en la web o busque el botón AMI en el sitio web de su escuela. Además de las lecciones requeridas, encontrará recursos útiles para cada nivel de grado, incluyendo videos y traducciones para los grados K - 2. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el maestro de su hijo si tiene alguna pregunta. Gracias por su continua colaboración y apoyo. ------- AMI packet ko am rebed ilo website ne, ak bukot ilo AMI button eo ilo website eo an jikuul. Kakobabalok ilo lesson ko kom aikuj kommani, kom naaj loe resource ko renaaj lukkun jiban nan kajojo kireet labol ekoba video im ukook ko nan kilaaj K - 2. Jouj im kirlok rikaki eo an ajiri eo najim elane ewor am kajjitok. Kommol kin am wonmaanlok wot im paatnor ippam im barainwot jappoot ko am rellap.
over 4 years ago, Springdale School District
Seniors...Don't forget to submit your "Cap Toss Videos!"
over 4 years ago, SHS
Cap Toss Video
This is a story about a "bunch of ladies" that without their help our job would be IMPOSSIBLE. Thank you from the bottom of our "Bulldog Heart," you all are AWESOME!...Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
over 4 years ago, SHS
The Springdale Bunch
ATTENTION SHS Class of 2020...
over 4 years ago, SHS
SHS Cap Toss (2020)
CONGRATS to SHS seniors!!! If you are interested in obtaining a yard sign for your SHS senior, then please visit the following link... #SHShoutOut
over 4 years ago, SHS
SHS Yard Sign
MESSAGE from Nurse Jenny and Nurse Sherri... If you have medication of any kind that is at the school and your parent/guardian would like to pick it up please email us so that we can set up a time to meet you. Nurse Jenny ( or Nurse Sherri ( you.
almost 5 years ago, SHS
SHS Nurse
Attention Bulldogs...If you need a hardcopy of an AMI packet, then you need to call the SHS office and schedule a time to pick up your packet. The packet will be placed in the "RED AMI packet pick up" box. When the packet is completed you will return to SHS and place the packet in the "GRAY AMI packet turn in" box. Please contact SHS if you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, SHS
ATTENTION SHS Seniors: If you have not already completed the "Senior Graduation Survey" please complete it at the following link... Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, SHS
SHS Seniors
SENIORS: Please click on the link below to get information about cap and gown distribution for Springdale High School...
almost 5 years ago, SHS
SHS Class of 2020
SHS will operate on the modified schedule shown below until further notice...Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, SHS
SHS AMI Schedule
The SHS nurses will be available by email every week day from 8:45-4:00. Please send an email with any questions or concerns you may have. If you need to pick up your medicine please email us and let us know. We can set up a time to meet you and give it back to you....Nurse Jenny ( and Nurse Sherri (
almost 5 years ago, SHS
SHS School Nurse
#SHShoutOut and THANK YOU to Tyson Foods!!!
almost 5 years ago, SHS
#SHShoutOut to Tyson Foods
To accommodate as many people as possible in the most orderly fashion, patrons MUST drive through the SHS parking lot to receive their free Tyson product. DO NOT leave your vehicle and walk up...Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, SHS
Important Notice
Congratulations to SHS Asst. Principal Dr. Remington Myers for completing his doctoral program in Educational Leadership...#SHShoutOut #THEChoice
almost 5 years ago, SHS
Dr. Myers
UPDATE - NEW LOCATIONS ADDED: Lunches to go will be available for Springdale Public School students ages 18 and under Tuesday-Friday between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm at Hellstern, Sonora and Tyson Middle Schools and George, Parson Hills, Smith and Jones Elementary. Sacks will include breakfast for the following day. In addition sack lunches, which will include breakfast for the following day, will be delivered Tuesday-Friday with deliveries beginning at 11 am. Please see the list of stops below.
almost 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Bus Stop
Spring Break Food Giveaway #THEChoice
almost 5 years ago, SHS
Tyson Food Giveaway
Tyson Food Giveaway
Tyson Food Giveaway