#SHShoutOut to Ladarius Wonsley on a great article in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette! And Go Bulldogs! Beat the War Eagles! https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2019/sep/20/prep-football-wonsley-emerging-as-go-to/?sports
over 5 years ago, Springdale High School
#SHShoutOut to Ladarius Wonsley!
Sara Ford came to speak to our Community Leadership and Service girls group. She empowered them by sharing her story and relaying that the girls are enough just as they are right now.
over 5 years ago, Springdale High School
Sara Ford came to speak to our Community Leadership and Service girls group. She empowered them by sharing her story and relaying that the girls are enough just as they are right now.
Sara Ford came to speak to our Community Leadership and Service girls group. She empowered them by sharing her story and relaying that the girls are enough just as they are right now.
Sara Ford came to speak to our Community Leadership and Service girls group. She empowered them by sharing her story and relaying that the girls are enough just as they are right now.
Sara Ford came to speak to our Community Leadership and Service girls group. She empowered them by sharing her story and relaying that the girls are enough just as they are right now.
Carlnis Jerry from the Marshallese Education Initiative and her mom came to teach the Community Service and Leadership girls group how to make traditional Marshallese jewelry. These necklaces will be given to guest speakers as thank you gifts. ☀️
over 5 years ago, Springdale High School
Carlnis Jerry from the Marshallese Education Initiative and her mom came to teach the Community Service and Leadership girls group how to make traditional Marshallese jewelry. These necklaces will be given to guest speakers as thank you gifts. ☀️
Carlnis Jerry from the Marshallese Education Initiative and her mom came to teach the Community Service and Leadership girls group how to make traditional Marshallese jewelry. These necklaces will be given to guest speakers as thank you gifts. ☀️
Carlnis Jerry from the Marshallese Education Initiative and her mom came to teach the Community Service and Leadership girls group how to make traditional Marshallese jewelry. These necklaces will be given to guest speakers as thank you gifts. ☀️
Please remember to take a moment and fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch form Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Student Led Conferences will be from 4:15-7:30 pm on Thursday, Sep 26: During student led conferences, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services will have a representative in the SHS cafeteria to discuss transition services for students served through a 504 Plan or Special Education Services. We hope to see you there! El jueves 26 de septiembre, durante las conferencias dirigidas por los estudiantes, los Servicios de Rehabilitación de Arkansas tendrán un representante en la cafetería SHS para analizar los servicios de transición para los estudiantes atendidos a través de un Plan 504 o Servicios de Educación Especial. Tajie Sept.26,2019 ilo Led Conferences, ewor joun rikanono jen Arkansas Rehabilitation Services ilo jikin mona an SHS ej kanaan kin transition an rischool ro rej bed ilo 504 Plan ak ilo Special Education Services.
over 5 years ago, SHS
#SHShoutOut to the 28 SHS juniors and seniors who participated in an Advanced Math Enrichment Camp this past summer. The camp was sponsored by the SHS Engineering and Architecture Academy. Students took part in a variety of hands-on activities and investigations centered around engineering, data analysis, and geology. A BIG thank you to Mrs. Edmonson and Mrs. Renneker for providing our students with this opportunity!
over 5 years ago, SHS
Math Enrichment Camp
Congratulations to SHS sophomore Sydnie Burkett...Sydnie and her pig Otis placed 6th in the Crossbred Market Hog division at the AR/OK State Fair this past weekend. We are proud of her and how well she represented SHS against the best competition form Arkansas and Oklahoma...#SHShoutOut
over 5 years ago, SHS
Sydnie Burkett and Otis
Reminder Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Check out the New App for our Springdale Public Schools and Springdale High!
over 5 years ago, Springdale High School
Springdale School District New App!
What does the SHS admin team do when they grill too many hamburgers for the faculty/staff cookout?...You take care of your “family.” Free Food Friday for some lucky SHS students!!!
over 5 years ago, SHS
Bulldog Rewards
Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
SHS administration held a random drawing for all students that had "perfect attendance" on Monday, September 16. 446 seniors, 516 juniors, and 585 sophomores did not miss a class on that particular day. One student from each grade was randomly selected and these three "winners" were given the opportunity to win either one of two $5 gift cards or one $10 gift card. The winners were senior Daniel Candle ($10), junior Cesar Castaneda ($5), and sophomore Abimael Martinez ($5)...Congratulations!!! #SHShoutOut #BulldogRewards
over 5 years ago, SHS
Bulldog Rewards
Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Please complete the 2019-20 Parent and Family Engagement Survey at the following link https://forms.gle/Gc7rUtP7bkprquAt5 ...Thank you!
over 5 years ago, SHS
Parent Survey
Free and Reduced lunch applications are due September 25...Don't delay!!!
over 5 years ago, SHS
The Bulldog cross country team competed in Siloam Springs this morning and the girls finished 4th & the boys 5th....Great job! #SHShoutOut
over 5 years ago, SHS
Cross country
Cross country
Cross country
SHS Bilingual Service Learning Students are mentoring Lee Elementary students before and after school this month...Bulldogs serve!!! #SHShoutOut
over 5 years ago, SHS
Bilingual Community Service
BIlingual Community Service
Apply at https://www.schoolcafe.com/ by September 25th
over 5 years ago, Springdale School District
Other Programs
The SSD ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT is on Magdelena Macias! Magdalena is a senior basketball player for the Springdale High School Lady Bulldogs. Because of her work ethic, she had earned a spot on the varsity team this year after playing junior varsity last year. Coach Hunsucker says she is a wonderful teammate and leader. In addition to her athletic accomplishments, Magdalena is a stellar student. She is the President of the National Honor Society, is an Advanced Placement Scholar having scored 5s on two AP exams, and will graduate with highest honors. Magdalena volunteers on a regular basis and is also a member of the SHS Student Council. Way to go, Magdelena....Congrats!!! #SHShoutOut
over 5 years ago, SHS
Magdalena Macias
SHS Journalism students got a photography lesson from Anthony Reyes, photographer and Online Editor for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette. #SHShoutOut to Anthony Reyes and #NWADG
over 5 years ago, Springdale High School
SHS Journalism students got a photography lesson from Anthony Reyes, photographer and Online Editor for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette!
SHS Journalism students for a photography lesson from Anthony Reyes, photographer and Online Editor for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette