Streaming of Homecoming Coronation starts at 6:20 (Coronation at 6:25), and then the Football game at 7. Watch and cheer on our BULLDOGS!
about 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Watch the 2021 Springdale High School Homecoming Assembly
about 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Running Red Dog Cross Country competed this past weekend at the SPS Invitational at Sonora Middle School. Senior Esperanza Trejo finished 1st overall in the 5,000 Meters. SP also SET A NEW SCHOOL RECORD with a time of 19 minutes 21 seconds!! Congrats Esperanza!!
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Bulldogs! Make sure to dress up next week and show your school spirit! #SHSHOCO21 #behumblehustlehard #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Come downtown and have some fun this weekend! #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
ArkansalsaFest- English
This week the Bulldog Production Crew competed virtually for Ozark Media Arts Festival. Trevor Tompkins, Brian Gomez, Bridgett Calderon, Henry Maldonado, Zach Brousseau, and Trinity Barnes placed 3rd for the Finish the Film Competition. Jack Wright, Oliver Guadarrama, Rojo, Nair Izquierdo, Chasity Jones, William Baker, and Alondra Hidalgo placed 3rd for PSA Production Bryan Tapia, Walur Beasha, Nathalie Vera, and Marlynn Fleming placed first or PSA Production. Carlos Lupercio, Tania Calmes, Melson Henry, and Rukko Langinbelik received 3rd place Broadcast Anchor. The crew also received several places for mail in competition Kathy Yamane received 1st place for her Broadcast Feature Story titled My BuBu's Island. Graduate Cristal Diazleal received 3rd place for her Experimental film Not Available and 3rd place for Public Affairs Community Service Production. Congratulations to our Bulldog Production Crew!
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Three student producers, (Jack Wright, Kathy Yamane, and Hasber Ordonez)from Bulldog TV, were hired by Runnerspace to run cameras for the Chile Pepper Festival! #behumblehustlehard #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Bulldog TV
SHS Homecoming - Friday, Oct. 15 2021
over 3 years ago, SHS
SHS 2021 Homecoming
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
ACT Boot Camp
We desperately need your help! Even though all students are being allowed to eat for free again this year, we still need families to complete the free and reduced meal form. Here’s why: Our district must have at least 70% of our students qualify for free and reduced meals by October 1, 2021, or we will lose up to $8 million dollars in funding next year. This $8 million dollars are the funds used to provide nurses, social workers, and school resource officers for each school. Right now, we are only at 66%. Will you please help us by completing the application today?
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Free and Reduced
Choose your days + Choose your hours + Choose your school= AWESOME! Join us today
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Bus Drivers and Substitutes NEEDED! Please apply today and become a part of the Springdale Schools Family
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Please see this important information!
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Avoiding Quarantine- English
Evitar Cuarentena
Getting to support our kids AND our teachers...what could be better?? Sign up today and join our Springdale Family! #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Getting to support our kids AND our teachers...what could be better?? Sign up today and join our Springdale Family! #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
SHS Parent Teacher Conferences are Monday and Tuesday (9/20 and 9/21) from 4:00-7:00 pm. Each student and parent/guardian whose email is in our database was sent a progress report. Please check your student's school email if you did not receive a copy...Thanks!
over 3 years ago, SHS
Parent/Teacher  Conferences
Up to $93.48 A DAY! WOW!! Come join our team #THEChoice
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Bulldogs, make sure to purchase your yearbook!
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Make sure to purchase your Senior AD in the SHS 2022 Bulldog Yearbook!
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Senior Ad