If you haven't done so already, please take the time to fill out the 2021-22 Free/Reduced Lunch application.
over 3 years ago, SHS
SHS students who received their first COVID vaccine at the clinic held on Aug 5, 6 and 7 in the SHS gym need to come to SHS on August 30th from 5:00-8:00 (in the Rotunda) to receive their 2nd COVID vaccine. Please bring your COVID vaccination card with you...#BulldogNation
over 3 years ago, SHS
Class of 2022! Don't forget about Friday!
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Cap and Gown
Seniors! Cap and Gown picture day has been moved to the 27th of August!
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
cap and gown
Class of 2022, you are a week away from taking your Cap and Gown pictures! Remember, young ladies need to wear a no collar blouse. Young men need to wear a white collared shirt with a tie. Talk to your advisory teacher for more information.
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #1 #youdontreallyneedareason #SHShumblehustle #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Scan the QR Code for an Interactive Map of SHS...Welcome Back!
over 3 years ago, SHS
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #2 #youdontreallyneedareason #SHShumblehustle #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
The SHS nurses will be at the school this week if you would like to drop off any medication, supplies or paperwork. If you have any questions for them please call the school and ask for the nurse.
over 3 years ago, SHS
Notes from the Nurse
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #3 #youdontreallyneedareason #SHShumblehustle #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
bulldog Spirit
Seniors! Don't forget that your CAP and GOWN pictures are happening soon! Remember, young ladies need to wear a no collar blouse. Young men need to wear a white collared shirt with a tie. Talk to your advisory teacher for more information.
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #4 #youdontreallyneedareason #SHShumblehustle #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #5 #youdontreallyneedareason #SHShumblehustle #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #6 #youdontreallyneedareason #SHShumblehustle #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride #reddognation
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Academies and Houses
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #7 #youdontreallyneedareason #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Springdale Schools and Arkansas Children's Hospital are partnering together to offer 3 Vaccination clinics this week eligible for 12 and up
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Free Vaccine Clinic in English
Free Vaccine Clinic in Spanish
Seniors! August has arrived! Don't forget your Cap and Gown pics are on the 20th!
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Cap and Gown
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #8 #youdontreallyneedareason #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
Reason to be a bulldog? Reason #9 #youdontreallyneedareason #behumblehustlehard #beabulldog #reddog #bulldogpride
over 3 years ago, Springdale High School
School is right around the corner! The first day of school is August 16th! Let's get ready to have some fun. Please see the important flyer below. ¡El primer día de clases está a la vuelta de la esquina, el 16 de agosto! Preparémonos para divertirnos. Consulte el folleto importante a continuación.
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District